Friday 14 September 2012

Posted by Olucapri |

9 inShare 1 Disqus Email Print Reprints Feedback 7 Popular Marketing Techniques For Small Businesses

Before your business starts marketing a product, it helps to create an ideal customer who you want to reach with your promotional materials. Once you have your ideal customer, you have a plethora of techniques to pick from. Most of these are low cost/no cost methods (sometimes called guerrilla marketing) and you may use different ones at different stages of your business cycle, or you may utilize them all at once from your business' inception. We'll look at seven of these techniques in more detail. (Do you have what it takes to work in this fast-paced field? This article will help you determine if marketing is for you. Refer to A Career Guide For Marketing Majors.)

TUTORIAL: Starting A Small Business Tutorial

Hooray for Free AdvertisingWhen you build a business, the first thing you want to secure is a customer base. With a decent printer, an answering machine and an average computer, you can put together a fairly extensive advertising campaign without having to pay for space.

1. FlyersThis is the carpet-bombing method of cheap advertising. You find an area that you would like to do business in and you distribute flyers to all the mailboxes within reach. Your flyer should be brief and to the point, highlighting the services you offer and providing contact information. Offering a free appraisal, coupon or discount never hurts.

2. PostersMost supermarkets, public spaces and malls offer free bulletin board space for announcements and advertisements. This is a hit or miss method, but you should try to make your poster reasonably visible and have removable tabs that the customers can present for a discount. Make each location a different color so that you can get an idea from the tabs where the most leads are being generated. If there is one area that is producing the majority of your leads, you can better target your campaign (flyers, ads in papers catering to those areas, cold calling, etc.)

3. Value AdditionsThis is one of the most powerful selling points for any product or service. On the surface, value additions are very similar to coupons and free appraisals, but they are aimed at increasing customer satisfaction and widening the gap between you and competition.

Common value additions include guarantees, discounts for repeat customers, point cards and referrals rewards. Often the deciding factor for a person picking between one of two similar shops is whether he or she has a point card or preferred customer card. You don't have to promise the moon to add value; often you just have to state something that the customer may not realize about your product or service. When you are making your advertising materials, the value additions should be highlighted.

4. Referral NetworksReferral networks are invaluable to a business. This does not only mean customer referrals, which are encouraged though discounts or other rewards per referral. This includes business-to-business referrals. If you have ever found yourself saying, "we don't do/sell that here, but X down the street does," you should make certain that you are getting a referral in return.

When dealing with white-collar professions, this network is even stronger. A lawyer refers people to an accountant, an accountant refers people a broker, a financial planner refers people to a real estate agent - in each of these situations, the person stakes his or her professional reputation on the referral. Regardless of your business, make sure you create a referral network that has the same outlook and commitment to quality that you do.
As a final note on referral networks, remember that your competition is not always your enemy. If you are too busy to take a job, throw it their way, most times you will find the favor returned. Besides, it can be bad for your reputation if a customer has to wait too long. (Are your shoulder's wide enough to carry a company's reputation? See The Marketing Director's Pitch.)

5. Follow-UpAdvertising can help you get a job, but what you do after a job can often be a much stronger marketing tool. Follow-up questionnaires are one of the best sources of feedback for how your ad campaign is going. Why did the customer choose your business? Where did he or she hear about it? Which other companies had he or she considered? What was the customer most satisfied with? What was least satisfying? Also, if your job involves going to the customer, make sure to slip a flyer into the nearby mailboxes, as people of similar needs and interests tend to live in the same area.

6. Cold CallingUnpleasant? Yes. Important? Yes. Cold calling, whether it is over the phone or door to door, is a baptism of fire for many small businesses. Cold calling forces you to sell yourself as well as your business. If people can't buy you, the person talking to them, then they won't buy anything from you. Over the phone you don't have the benefit of a smile or face-to-face conversation – a phone is a license for people to be as caustic and abrupt as possible (we are all guilty of this at one time or another). However, cold calling does makes you think on your feet and encourages creativity and adaptability when facing potential customers.

7. The InternetIt is dishonest to pretend that the Internet is a cohesive whole for marketing – like a community hall you can put up a poster in or a section of the highway were you can buy billboard space. However, it is difficult to overstate the importance the Internet has on marketing. The previous methods of marketing have not changed in the last 50 years. The Internet has been born and evolved rapidly during that same time frame.
It is nearly unthinkable that a company, even a local café will not have at least a website with the vital details such as location and hours. Not having a site means not having a point of access for the growing number of people who Google first when they want to make a buying decision. Add to this a social media presence (Facebook page, Twitter account) and the need for good SEO, and it can appear overwhelming. However, the technology has evolved to the point where Wordpress – just one example of a free HTML editor – can meet all these needs.

Bottom LineMore than likely, you will find that the conversion rate on marketing is very low. Even the most successful campaigns measure leads – and converted sales from those leads - in the 10-20% range. This helps to shatter any illusions about instant success, but it is also an opportunity for improvement. Do you want a company to buy your product? Give them a presentation showing how it will benefit them. Do you want someone to use your service? Give them an estimate or a sample of what you will do for them. Be confident, creative and unapologetic – people will eventually respond. (Understanding how to manage business credit is the key to obtaining small business loans. Check out The Small Business Jobs Act: Make It Work For You.)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Posted by Olucapri |

5 Big Changes to Facebook for Business

We’re all scrambling to understand the layout and functionality of the new Facebook pages before they become mandatory by March 30. A summary of some of the bigger changes.

Facebook regs prohibit any sort of promotion, urls, or product descriptions in the new 851 x 315  cover photo. Cover photos are meant to be strictly visual, with little or no text. Examples of how some big (and small) brands are handling this:
Milestones.Facebook Pin to Top
There is now a Milestone feature that allows you to post News that is significant and can make Facebook operate more like a website that users return to. What might an appropriate milestone?A new product
Pin to Top.
Facebook "Pin to top.'This option is available on each post – it allows you to “pin” a post to the top of your page, and it will remain there for 7 days. See the “Open For Fighting” post that has been pinned to the top left side of their page. This is good when running contests or for upcoming events.

Did you notice the Messages Icon on the top of the page. People who have grievances can message the Facebook MessageAdmin rather than sending an email. Brands are beginning to use this for Customer Service.  As customers get more used to this it could be a way to direct interactions to get them off the page.
Negative comments.
You can now view and approve comments before they are posted. We can hide comments once they have been dealt with. The comment would still be on the users timeline but not visible on your company Facebook page. On the “About” page or an Facebook App (they used to be called “Tabs”) users can be directed to send a “Message” if they have a question or Customer Service issue.
Seeking guidance in the brave new world of public relations in the Internet age?InfluenceWave can help.
Posted by Olucapri |

It's Not Just Ads Making Dad Look Bad

Along with several other timely Father's Day stories, I've got something to say. But it's more of a question.

Why is the ad industry taking all of the heat for portraying dads in a bad light?

Don't get me wrong, I can't agree more with Adweek's "The Demise of the Doofus Dad in Ads."  Ads have made Dad's out as incompetent. But the ads are getting better.

Thank You Mom, Here's to Dad!
This progress was made clear to me after wondering aloud why I kept seeing P&G's "Thank You Mom" campaign so close to Father's Day. This campaign is P&G's biggest ever and it will run across TV and Facebook, amongst other platforms, through the Olympic Games. And it's an awesome ad
But it was quickly, and accurately, pointed out to me that there's a companion ad and perhaps my family and I were simply watching the wrong TV shows. So "Here's to Dad."

TV as a Whole Should Get "Credit"
As the ad industry makes progress, Dad comes off as an even bigger joke across a variety of TV shows. From popular comedies like Modern Family and long-running shows like Two & A Half Men toquickly cancelled shows and even Disney shows like Good Luck Charlie. This doesn't even consider animated shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy and American Dad.

My point is there are plenty of examples throughout mainstream media and popular culture that reinforce these stereotypes. Movements like the Dad 2.0 Summit have their work cut out for them as we see progress in just one facet of the doofus Dad syndrome.

Family Unit Morphing
Brands and TV should take the lead of other industries that are responding to a much broader issue. The definition of family has changed and it continues to change. As a result, consumer needs are also changing and our industry needs to change with it.
Posted by Olucapri |


At IBCNL PR Consulting we are dedicated to providing you with the highest standard of performance possible. We believe that a company is only as good as it's assets. Whether they be people or things, your assets are only as good as your reputation. Your reputation is only as good as we make it.

Who we are:

Founded in 2012, the IBCNL-PR CONSULT is the professional body that represents Nigeria PR consultancies, in-house communications teams, PR freelancers and individuals. The IBCNL-PR CONSULT promotes all aspects of public relations and internal communications work, helping teams and individuals maximise the value they deliver to clients and organisations.

What we do:

The Association exists to raise standards in PR and communications, providing members with industry data, facilitating the sharing of communications best practice and creating networking opportunities.

How we do it and make a difference:

All IBCNL-PR CONSULT members are bound by a professional charter and codes of conduct, and benefit from exceptional training. The Association also works for the greater benefit of the industry, sharing best practice and lobbying on the industry's behalf.

Who we represent:

The IBCNL-PR CONSULT looks at representing many of the major consultancies in the Nigeria and abroad. Also to represent in-house teams, including Nigeria's leading corporations and public sector organisations, as well as individual and freelance PR and communications practitioners.